Thursday, May 24, 2018

Fall og forfall med staten i førersetet

Bourdieu forklarer her, at staten er et spørgsmål om den herskende magtfulde tænkning:
Modifying Max Weber’s famous definition, Bourdieu defines the state in terms of the monopoly of legitimate physical and symbolic violence, where the monopoly of symbolic violence is the condition for the possession and exercise of physical violence. The state can be reduced neither to an apparatus of power in the service of dominant groups nor to a neutral site where conflicting interests are played out: rather, it constitutes the form of collective belief that structures the whole of social life. The ‘collective fiction’ of the state is a fiction with very real effects – is at the same time the product of all struggles between different interests, what is at stake in these struggles, and their very foundation. – On the State, Pierre Bourdieu Polity

Min kosmologi, min teknologi og min kultur er den samme som for jordbruker, predikant, skomaker og husmannssønn M.J. Dahl, som i 40 år holdt til i våningshuset her i Holmstadengen.

Dessverre lar staten stedet forfalle, da denne plassen symboliserer det motsatte av alt hva statsmakten representerer og promoterer.

Som den siste ekte dahlitt er det med sorg jeg konstaterer at hele min kultur, min arv og mitt verdigrunnlag har forvitret.

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