Friday, June 14, 2019

For Them, Every Stone Was a Gift to That Unshakable Belief in God They Shared

My great grandfather lived and worked with an unshakable belief in God.


The builders of Florence, especially those building from about the year 1000 A.D. to 1500 A.D., lived and worked with an unshakable belief in God. As one looks at the works that came from their hands, God is everywhere: in the paintings now hanging in the Uffizi, in the Baptistery, in San Miniato, in the life and death of Beato Angelico living in his cell in the monastery of San Marco. For them, every stone was a gift to that unshakable belief in God they shared. It is the belief, the unshakable nature of the belief, its authenticity, and above all its solidity, which made it work effectively for them. We, in our time, need an authentic belief, a certainty, connected with the ultimate reaches of space and time -- which does the same for us. - Christopher Alexander, The Luminous Ground, page 42

Ja, slik er det, kjære PermaLivs lesere. Jeg ønsket å gjøre enga mi til en gave til Gud, men det fikk jeg ikke lov til, derfor har det ingen høyere hensikt å være her lenger, annet enn for å dokumentere hva som har gått fortapt på kamerasensoren.

View of the Arno in Florence. Artist: Giuseppe Zocchi (1711-1767).

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